When someone in a marriage goes through addiction and the recovery process, it may feel like divorce is inevitable. Addiction can cause excessive strain on a marriage, but it doesn’t have to mean an end. Understanding what options are available to you, regardless of which way your relationship goes, can allow you both to control […]
Read MoreSwapping addictions is common for many different types of addicts during the addiction recovery process. For example, there are many gambling addicts that attend both Gamblers Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. There are different reasons why an addict may go from one addiction to another. It all comes down to their individual needs, thoughts and […]
Read MoreParents often believe myths about addiction to protect their children. But there can be a huge gap between what we think we know about addiction and what we truly understand about the science of addiction. And this is especially true for parents. A lot of the drugs that kids are experimenting with and abusing these days are […]
Read MoreXanax is a Benzodiazepine; also known as a “Benzo(s).” Xanax is a class IV controlled substance due to a strong potential for abuse. Xanax, for some people, can be really easy to get addicted to because of its euphoric, relaxing effects. Those who have struggled with drug abuse or are in recovery for drug addiction […]
Read MoreHave you ever watched movies about rehab for drug and alcohol addiction and wished you could get that kind of treatment for depression? Good news: Private rehab centers can provide the help you need for a variety of mental health issues, with or without a substance abuse diagnosis. SAFETY Take a look at five benefits of rehab for […]
Read MoreBoth oxycodone and hydrocodone are powerful prescription painkillers. Doctors use these semi-synthetic opioid medications to treat both short-and long-term pain that results from various conditions, such as cancer, chronic cough, surgery, arthritis, and more. Oxycodone (OxyContin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin) are very similar in chemical form and function. Because of this, there are very few differences […]
Read MoreDrug and alcohol abuse can damage your overall health, but what kind of impact does adolescent drug use have on emotional development? To answer this question, let’s meet Mitch and Brenda. Mitch: A Case of Stunted Emotional Development In high school, Mitch had a hard time making friends and struggled academically. Frustrated, sad, and lonely, […]
Read MoreAttention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and addiction are common comorbidities. Meaning, people with ADHD are more likely to turn to substances to cope and people in recovery often discover that they have ADHD. However, ADHD is often underdiagnosed, especially in women. This can make having ADHD in addiction recovery especially challenging. I was misdiagnosed for eight years of my […]
Read MoreIf you overheard your teenager tell his friend he was “candy flipping,” would you be concerned? It sounds like he’s popping M&Ms or swapping candy bars with a buddy, right? Sounds like it…but the true meaning is much more concerning. “Candy flipping” is slang for using more than one drug at a time. Since using […]
Read MoreDealing with depression and its everyday affects can be crippling. One of the things we have learned about is the depression spiral. It can take an ordinary happy day and destroy it within minutes. The sweaty palms, the nausea the negative thoughts, can intrude instantly. The key to this dealing with this is recognizing when it is […]
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