The narrative that marijuana has medicinal properties has been growing. Thirty-seven states have legalized medical cannabis, with millions of Americans opting for this treatment over other medical approaches. But considering the relatively recent application of marijuana as medicine, patients should be skeptical of this approach. And given new research data which seems to suggest little […]
Read MoreMost people who become first responders are likely moved by the opportunity to help. But being exposed to such emotionally charged situations regularly can sadly end up hurting those involved. First responders are at a particularly high risk of developing a chronic behavioral health condition while on the job. And many will go on to […]
Read MoreWhen it comes to addiction, people soon become pros at fooling others, and themselves. Denial is as common in addiction as drug use is, and it’s one of the things that keeps people addicted and stops them from seeking drug and alcohol treatment when they should. If you tell yourself the following things, you may want to […]
Read MoreThe news about teenage drug abuse is not shocking. We’ve known for years that trauma and substance abuse are linked. A quick look at the stats tells us that much. 70 percent of people receiving treatment for drug or alcohol abuse reported a history of trauma. People with five or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are seven to 10 times […]
Read MoreWhile attitudes have improved in recent years, mental health still has a stigma surrounding it. Misconceptions and unfair judgments create a sense of shame when it comes to talking about mental and emotional issues. This leads many people to suffer in silence, creating an increase in their stress and overall dissatisfaction. When we keep these […]
Read MoreDue to the symptoms of withdrawal and heroin’s highly addictive nature, individuals typically have the best chance at a successful heroin addiction recovery when they seek help from a treatment center. But what does that recovery look like and what can you expect during detox, withdrawal, and rehab? To give you a better idea of […]
Read MoreMaking the decision to stop drinking and live a sober life isn’t an easy choice by any means, and can be especially difficult when you’re hit with powerful cravings that are nearly impossible to resist. However, cravings are a normal part of alcohol addiction and are to be expected. Even people who are in long-term […]
Read MoreMany individuals living in recovery need to return to rehab treatment at some point in their lives. But how can you know when it’s time to go back to rehab? And why is this a beneficial option for someone who’s been in recovery for a long time? If you are looking for safe rehab centers for either […]
Read MoreIt’s estimated that the average person makes about 35,000 decisions each day, and each decision carries consequences that can be good or bad. From deciding what foods to eat or movies to watch to more life-altering decisions like a home purchase and career change, a specific part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex manages […]
Read MoreIf you are struggling with addiction and co-existing disorders, a radical acceptance approach could help you cultivate a healthier mindset as you pursue sobriety. The radical acceptance theory is based on the idea that suffering does not necessarily arise from pain, but rather from adherence to it. It originates from Buddhist philosophy and the psychological […]
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