
Tag: Addiction Treatment

22 August

“Me time” is a popular buzzword that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, the open-ended nature of this cultural mandate leaves some people susceptible to developing bad habits rather than good as they work to manage their daily life and figure out what me time means to them. As a result, addiction may not be […]

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19 August

Intervention is a series of steps you take when you find out your friend or loved one is addicted to a drug and can’t seem to get out of that habit. It is a carefully planned process, where you explain to the person with addiction, about their condition and present your solution to their addiction […]

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18 August

If you’re seeking treatment for addiction, your mind is probably swirling with questions and doubts. Most of those what-ifs and doubts tend to boil down to one thing: fear. You may fear the unknown. You may fear withdrawal. You may fear failure…or success. From the treatment process to figuring out how to pay for rehab, it is perfectly normal […]

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20 June

Marijuana is a drug that’s made from the dried leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Marijuana contains THC, which is a psychoactive chemical that produces a high. The prevalence of marijuana use has increased over the last decade and about 9 in 10 Americans favor some form of marijuana legalization, according to […]

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20 June

No matter where you’re spending the winter, the season can be a difficult one for anyone. With less sunlight, no leaves, cold weather, and often some amount of isolation because fewer people go out and do things, many of us are prone to depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder known as S.A.D. If you’re recovering from […]

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17 June

The process of getting off antidepressants can be difficult, especially if you’ve been misusing them for a long time. Weaning yourself off Prozac already requires the assistance of a doctor, but if you’re addicted to this medication and you’ve grown accustomed to misusing it, more specific detox treatment may be necessary for safe Prozac withdrawal. […]

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16 June

High-intensity drinking is a dangerous emerging trend that comes with serious health consequences for those who engage in the activity. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines this pattern of drinking as consuming alcohol “at levels that are two or more times the gender-specific binge drinking thresholds.” This type of drinking is […]

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16 June

Is it possible to develop an addiction to wine? Simply put, as with any other type of alcohol the answer is yes. While excessive or binge drinking is more often associated with beer or hard liquor, wine is still a type of alcohol that can lead to dependance and addiction. When evaluating alcohol consumption, a […]

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15 June

Today’s opioid epidemic has been linked to the rise of painkiller prescriptions starting in the 1990s. The higher the dose of opioid medication used for pain and the greater the number of days the patient uses the medication, the greater the risk of dependence. More research is needed to determine the exact dose and number of days […]

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13 June

Drug Treatment Programs Drug treatment programs or drug rehab refers to the process of psycho-therapeutic and medical treatment to a person who is dependent on psychoactive substances like hard drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol. Rehabilitation aims at enabling the affected person to stop abusing the substance of interest, thereby avoiding the negative effects: i.e. financial, […]

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