If you overheard your teenager tell his friend he was “candy flipping,” would you be concerned? It sounds like he’s popping M&Ms or swapping candy bars with a buddy, right? Sounds like it…but the true meaning is much more concerning. “Candy flipping” is slang for using more than one drug at a time. Since using […]
Read MoreDealing with depression and its everyday affects can be crippling. One of the things we have learned about is the depression spiral. It can take an ordinary happy day and destroy it within minutes. The sweaty palms, the nausea the negative thoughts, can intrude instantly. The key to this dealing with this is recognizing when it is […]
Read MoreExcuses for Substances Use Disorders Don’t Help Seeking help for addiction is never easy. There are a lot of misconceptions and stigma surrounding it. Moreover, it can be difficult to accept that you’re powerless against addiction. It’s easy to make excuses, claiming that there are reasons you cannot overcome this problem. But excuses are not […]
Read MoreAddiction Doesn’t Discriminate When you think of a person addicted to substances, how does that person appear to you? Do you see someone living in a mansion in Beverly Hills, or do you think of someone living in a tent under a bridge? Whatever comes to mind first, it, most likely, doesn’t scratch the surface […]
Read MoreReasons Why Injuries Can Lead to Addiction An athlete who has had a significant injury can be at risk of developing an addiction to prescribed medication. The pain of the injury is often so severe that the person would do anything to try to stop it. This type of intense pain can lead to drug […]
Read MoreThirteen. That’s the percentage of people with an illicit drug use disorder who received treatment for their addiction in 2019. What happened to the other 87 percent? We don’t know everyone’s story, but we know stigma often plays a part. Stigma causes shame and fear for those struggling with addiction, and it steers them away from treatment […]
Read MoreCognitive-behavioral therapy is a highly effective treatment modality for people struggling with substance use disorder and other addictive behaviors. Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques are designed to address negative or harmful patterns of thinking and behaving while offering effective strategies for managing addiction and their co-occurring disorders. What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy? Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of therapeutic intervention […]
Read MoreAccelerated resolution therapy is an incredibly promising PTSD treatment adopted by numerous mental health and addiction specialists; the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration recognizes it as being beneficial for addressing several classifications of mental disorders. But what is accelerated resolution therapy? Accelerated Resolution Therapy: PTSD and Beyond Accelerated resolution therapy is a type of behavioral health intervention […]
Read MoreAlcohol or drug rehabilitation is rarely a smooth ride. The path to recovery will likely have bumps in the road, from rough nights to full-on relapses. You may have been handling your sobriety like a superstar, improving day by day without getting discouraged. But then it hits you…a relapse. You haven’t failed. Relapsing isn’t ideal, […]
Read MoreYour drinking secret is far from “safe” when you’re struggling solo. It may feel embarrassing to share your issues concerning alcohol with anyone. It’s totally understandable, especially when you may seem to be doing just fine from an outsider’s perspective. The last thing you want others to know is that you’re not actually holding it […]
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