
Category: Mental Health

25 June

Did you know our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes can positively or negatively affect how well our body functions? Perhaps even more interesting is that what we do with our physical body (what we eat, how much we exercise and even our posture) can impact our mental state. The mind-body connection is complicated and intimate, […]

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23 June

Physical health and mental health are connected in several different ways. When one is good the other will likely follow suit, but the opposite is also true. If one is bad, the other may suffer as well. The Relationship Between Physical Health & Mental Health On the one hand, mental health may impact a person’s […]

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22 June

Some teenagers and young adults can be moody or downright unpleasant to be around sometimes. As a parent, you may be tempted to brush it off as adolescent angst, but should you? Although mood swings and getting into trouble may be considered part of being a teenager, there is a fine line between “normal” teenage […]

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21 June

What Is Mindfulness In Recovery? You may hear of mindfulness in recovery. Just like “addiction,” the word “mindfulness” connotes certain idea in the mind. In his book 10% Happier, ABC journalist Dan Harris wrote that mindfulness had a negative PR problem. Some words carry unpleasant baggage. But this unpleasant baggage lies more within us than it […]

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26 March

Having a partner who will hold your hand even during your worst moments is a big blessing. Even though relationships are meant to be happy, a simple downfall can ruin the trust between a couple. In cases of substance use disorder, the home can change from a haven to a place full of turbulence. You […]

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18 March

We might not be able to control what’s happening in our world, but we can control how we react to it. While this is an especially challenging task to someone in recovery, focusing on gratitude is a great form of self-care to keep one’s mindset positive and upbeat. Saying Thank You for the Little Things […]

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29 January

Do you think that all homeless people are either alcoholics or drug addicts? If so, you are not alone. Most homeless individuals are labeled as such. Homelessness and substance abuse are connected, and the truth of the matter is that substance abuse is both a cause and a result of homelessness. This doesn’t mean that all homeless […]

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19 January

As parents of teens, many of you may have overheard the terms honey oil, wax, dabs, budder, shatter, or black glass.  These terms don’t refer to a new brand of candy or soft-drink.  Instead, they are street names for marijuana concentrates that are becoming more popular among teenagers recently.  Surprisingly, about one in four teens admit […]

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13 January

Americans are losing their lives to drug overdoses in increasing numbers each year.  The sharpest rise in deaths occurred between 2016 and 2017. Respectively, the death toll rose from 63,632 to 70,237.  The three drugs most frequently involved in the deaths are cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl. However, several other illicit and legal drugs are also […]

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14 December

Although the practice of mindfulness and meditation are only recently advocated in western psychology, they have been trusted, effective treatments in eastern traditions for hundreds of years. If you are asking yourself: “what is mindfulness?” the textbook defines it as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. While being a little […]

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