One of the first things to go out the window during a person’s addiction is their priorities. During active addiction, we allow people to treat us in ways we usually wouldn’t tolerate. We say and do things we know we shouldn’t, and we hurt the people who care about us the most. Being hurtful isn’t […]
Read MoreNature vs. Nurture is a puzzling topic that has raised serious concern in psychology over decades. The approach is often one-sided, with each side arguing the value of one over the other. It leads to a social debate majorly geared to determining the cause of your intelligence. Philosophers have tried to study and test their […]
Read MoreSelf-esteem and recovery go hand in hand. Going to rehabilitation involves getting clean, but it also involves building the patient’s self-esteem. Increased self-esteem can increase the chance of successful recovery. However, increasing self-esteem can be difficult. The following covers why self-esteem is important and offers some tips on building up confidence in early recovery. Importance of Self-Esteem […]
Read MoreThe mind is a mysterious thing. The average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, and many of the thoughts that pop into our heads are unexpected. Those thoughts can be downright intrusive or invasive. If you ever find yourself going about your day when you begin thinking about past trauma or unhealthy desires […]
Read MoreWhen you are feeling down, sometimes turning on your favorite song can change your whole mood. Although it might just seem like a brief diversion, it’s not just in your head. Music may work on a deeper level to improve your mental health. The Effects of Music on Mental Health In some cultures, music has […]
Read MoreAre you looking for counselling? Would understanding more about the different types of counseling help you? This is a guest post by Tracie Johnson. Working with a counselor should be a healing process. If you feel as though therapy is stressful, you might not be attending the right types of sessions. Therapy exists in various […]
Read MoreMental health is a hot topic, but sometimes for all the wrong reasons. While more and more people are speaking up about mental health and mental illness, there is a lot of misinformation on the subject that is often doing more harm than people realize. The Truth About Mental Health & Mental Illness Misconceptions about […]
Read MoreMany people with mental health disorders like anxiety or depression need to be on long-term medication to keep their condition in check and prevent the highs, lows, and stresses of these afflictions from interfering with their daily life. Identifying the right medication to manage mental health can be difficult. When someone is in holistic rehab and given […]
Read MoreDealing with depression and its everyday effects can be crippling. One of the things we have learned about is the depression spiral. It can take an ordinary happy day and destroy it within minutes. The sweaty palms, nausea the negative thoughts, can intrude instantly. The key to dealing with this is recognizing when it is happening. BAM! […]
Read MoreWhen someone experiences a traumatic event, it changes their brain chemistry. They no longer look at or experience the world in the same way, whether they’re conscious of this shift or not. Some post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sufferers turn to drugs or alcohol to take the edge off, keep intrusive memories at bay, or disconnect […]
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