
Category: Mental Health

09 June

Dopamine is a chemical produced in the brain that affects its pleasure centers. It’s one of a group of chemicals known as neurotransmitters. When released in large enough amounts, it creates feelings of reward. It can also make a person feel more focused and increase their memory and attention span. The positive feelings it creates […]

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08 June

If someone has regularly abused alcohol for years, they may be more likely to develop dementia. The severity of alcohol-induced dementia can vary from person to person, but learning about the risk factors, causes, and treatment outlook for both dementia and alcohol use disorder can help you understand the importance of getting treatment. How alcohol abuse affects […]

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07 June

Advancing age naturally brings with it more concerns about physical health—and in many cases, more concerns about mental health as well. Elderly people are more susceptible to mental health issues for a number of reasons, such as bereavement over the loss of a loved one, anxiety over lower income levels during retirement, the stress of […]

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03 June

Soda is a drink made with potentially habit-forming ingredients like caffeine and sugar, making it uniquely enjoyable and leading to cravings. If soda cravings turn into dependency, mental and physical health issues can follow. Soda addiction, or dependence on soda, can lead to unwanted weight gain, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, dental issues, weakened […]

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03 June

Stress and anxiety can mimic each other in many ways, but chronic anxiety is very different than situational or temporary stress. Both stress and anxiety are emotional responses, but stress is typically caused by an external trigger while anxiety is persistent worrying that doesn’t go away even in the absence of a stressor. COMMON TRIGGERS […]

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03 June

Choosing to step away from an addiction and into recovery is an important choice and one that will intrinsically change your life forever. Getting help means that you are deliberately working to build a better version of yourself, one unconstrained by substance abuse and addiction. At the same time, it’s important not to lose sight […]

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02 June

When was the last time you took time out of your day to practice a self-care activity like meditating before bed or journaling to try and work out some intense feelings? If you’re not sure about the answer, you’re not alone. So many of us forget about the importance of self-care and struggle to work […]

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02 June

Things started out normal enough. You had a good relationship with your significant other or loved one. But then they started abusing drugs or alcohol and your whole relationship changed. Maybe you started covering for their actions, thinking they’re just stressed and going through a rough time. But before you knew it, your own behavior […]

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01 June

Do you wake up in a panic or uncomfortably on edge? Are a million thoughts running through your mind the minute your alarm clock rings? We all feel the pressure to some degree. With everything we’re expected to do each day, it’s amazing any of us can hold it all together. Long days at work, […]

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27 May

As Mental Health Awareness Month, May is always a great opportunity to reflect on how far I’ve come — and how hard I’ve worked — on my recovery and mental health journey. At ten years sober, I am an unrecognizable version of the lost soul I was back then. I used to feel dark and […]

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