From backyard BBQs to graduation parties, there are always a slew of summer gatherings to go to. Oftentimes, these celebrations involve alcohol. You want to attend, but you know you are going to be offered drinks, asked questions why you won’t partake, and perhaps egged on to suck it up and do a shot. When […]
Read MoreNo matter where you’re spending the winter, the season can be a difficult one for anyone. With less sunlight, no leaves, cold weather, and often some amount of isolation because fewer people go out and do things, many of us are prone to depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder known as S.A.D. If you’re recovering from […]
Read MoreYou’ve probably heard of the flight or fight response. This is the “good” side of anxiety, when your body reacts to impending danger by sending you a jolt of extra adrenaline and cortisol. It’s these natural hormones that give you the instant energy to hit the brakes when someone suddenly stops ahead of you. Or […]
Read MoreOver the last few years — as the pandemic produced uncertainty and anxiety — an astounding number of parents watched helplessly as their teenager’s mental health seemingly deteriorated. Parents commonly reported moodiness, lack of socialization, unhealthy sleep patterns, and problems with motivation. In severe cases, they reported signs of severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm. […]
Read MoreJanuary 1 isn’t the only time to reset and renew. With the new season upon us, it’s an ideal time to refocus on what matters most to you. Here are five ways you can start fresh this summer. 1. Reflect on Last Season’s Successes Whether you prefer to journal, meditate, or even go for a walk […]
Read MoreTraveling while in recovery can be intimidating, especially when going on vacation. While many may see vacation as a time to drink and often to excess, you need to maintain your sobriety for the sake of your mental and physical health. However, being sober doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. It just means you need […]
Read MoreAdvancing age naturally brings with it more concerns about physical health—and in many cases, more concerns about mental health as well. Elderly people are more susceptible to mental health issues for a number of reasons, such as bereavement over the loss of a loved one, anxiety over lower income levels during retirement, the stress of […]
Read MoreStress and anxiety can mimic each other in many ways, but chronic anxiety is very different than situational or temporary stress. Both stress and anxiety are emotional responses, but stress is typically caused by an external trigger while anxiety is persistent worrying that doesn’t go away even in the absence of a stressor. COMMON TRIGGERS […]
Read MoreWhen was the last time you took time out of your day to practice a self-care activity like meditating before bed or journaling to try and work out some intense feelings? If you’re not sure about the answer, you’re not alone. So many of us forget about the importance of self-care and struggle to work […]
Read MoreDo you wake up in a panic or uncomfortably on edge? Are a million thoughts running through your mind the minute your alarm clock rings? We all feel the pressure to some degree. With everything we’re expected to do each day, it’s amazing any of us can hold it all together. Long days at work, […]
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