“Me time” is a popular buzzword that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, the open-ended nature of this cultural mandate leaves some people susceptible to developing bad habits rather than good as they work to manage their daily life and figure out what me time means to them. As a result, addiction may not be far behind.
Me time is when you relax on your own instead of using your time to work or do things for others. Me time is an opportunity to reduce stress and restore energy. This doesn’t mean you take a shower on your own without the kids barging in. This doesn’t mean you play a round of golf with business associates. Me time is about finding the thing that reinvigorates you, that makes you feel calm, grounded, and happy even amid a busy and demanding daily life.
It’s not always easy to find me time, so some people do their best to shove it in wherever possible, and not always in healthy ways. When drugs or alcohol become the methodology for me time, when your chosen method of relaxation is a secret one, that’s when problems begin.
Many people turn to drugs or alcohol to deal with worry and stress. It’s easy to call this behavior your me time—a glass of wine at night, a pull on your vape pen, a pill that helps the day fade away. It’s easy to say you’re participating in activities like these to de-stress but, for some people, what they call a gentle vice can turn into a serious addiction.
When an addiction develops, it’s not because you’re failing at me time, it’s because there is an underlying issue that is taking over your mental health and overall wellness. Anxiety and depression often go undiagnosed, especially when people work to self-soothe in the name of me time. Eventually, you have two problems—addiction and an untreated mental health condition.
It’s not easy for busy adults to work, feed their family, take care of the kids, fit in exercise, socialize, sleep, and still fit in me time. Some people need to be taught how to relax successfully, especially if they have developed a reliance on drugs or alcohol to help you escape the demands of your life.
In holistic rehab, you go through a detox program to start. From there, it’s necessary to determine if you have a dual diagnosis, like addiction and a mental health problem, so the right path to wellness can be developed. Through all of this, you will learn exactly what me time is and how to carve out healthy alone time for yourself in and out of rehab.
The following treatments offered in holistic rehab are some of the finest definitions of me time:
- Art therapy: Treatment occurs through the creation and discussion of art
- Equine therapy: Rebuild relationships, responsibility, and trust through horse companionship
- Music therapy: Increase dopamine production for addiction recovery therapy through energizing and soothing music programs
- Nutrition program: Minimize the difficulty of detox, regulate mood, eliminate deficiencies, and become balanced with a personalized nutrition plan
- Fitness program: Get coaching on your unique physical activity needs, from yoga and meditation to paddle-boarding and active beach days
Have you found yourself in the position where you know you have a problem and need help to overcome an addiction? Are you struggling with your mental health and trying to simply muscle through life as though everything is fine? Do you desperately want a break from your life and your spinning mind?
What you need is me time, and holistic rehab is one of the places where you can get it without anyone demanding anything from you in your daily life. You work hard, and life has perhaps gotten the better of you, but you don’t have to stay in an unhealthy, unfulfilling space.
Article source: www.beachsiderehab.com