When it comes to addiction recovery, there are so many topics that should or can be discussed. We could talk about how addiction impacts the lives of people around us. We could talk about the detox process, treatment options, relapse prevention and much more. All of these things are extremely important to the recovery process. However, sometimes, it is good to take a step away from all that and talk about some ways to motivate people in recovery. Whether you are struggling with addiction or know someone that is, these addiction recovery quotes may be just what you need to hear today.
The Person You Decide to Be
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be,: by Ralph Waldo Emerson (essayist, author, poet, and philosopher).
What does this mean? Well, there are a lot of people who believe in destiny. That could be the case. But, what if destiny is real, but you also get a choice in whether you follow that destiny? There are so many more possibilities and experiences you can have in life when you put yourself into the equation.
Don’t Stop
“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop,” by Confuscious.
This is one of the addiction recovery quotes that couldn’t be more true. When talking about addiction recovery, everyone will go at their own pace and that is alright. You and the person next to you in treatment don’t have the same experiences, but you can connect on one thing, you are both working to overcome your addiction. You are bonded in a way that helps you better understand one another. With this being said, people must respect that others may not be going at the speed they are going in recovery. As long as you don’t stop, you are making progress.
It’s Worth It
“I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it,” by Art Williams.
Your recovery probably won’t be a walk in the park. There are going to be tough times about it. Why are we telling you this? To prepare you for what is to come, but also so you know that if you do the work in recovery, it is going to be well worth your time and effort. You are going to be building yourself a better future, a better life.
Love Yourself
“The goal isn’t to be sober. The goal is to love yourself so much that you don’t need to drink.” by Recovery is Freedom Press.
Yes, you want to get sober and stay that way. However, if your only focus in recovery is to get and stay sober, you are likely going to relapse. The reason they call recovery work is because that is what you need to do to create a sober lifestyle.
You see, most people who struggle with addiction don’t love themselves. They are ashamed of who they are, embarrassed about their past or just downright don’t like who they are. Sometimes, this causes people to abuse alcohol and drugs. If this is the case for you, don’t let your addiction keep destroying your life. It is time to learn how to love yourself.
Remain in Recovery
“I am not defined by my relapses, but by my decision to remain in recovery despite them,” by anonymous.
There are many people who believe that when someone relapses, their recovery is over. This
isn’t true. In fact, relapses are usually just a sign that someone is struggling and doesn’t know where to turn for help.
If you had a relapse or even more than one, as long as you decide to stay in recovery and keep working your treatment program or recovery plan, you are doing okay. Those relapses don’t have to define who you are or where you are going.
Progress, Progress, Progress
“Recovery is about progression not perfection,” by Alcoholics Anonymous.
When it comes to addiction recovery quotes, one that is so fitting for all who are in recovery is the one noted just above. Recovery isn’t about being perfect. We are all human and nobody can be perfect. However, as long as you are focused on progressing through life and doing the best you can, that is what matters. The progression into a better life, a better you is what defines your recovery and who you are.
If you need help getting into recovery, our team is ready to assist you in this process today.
Stop Digging the Hole
“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging,” by Will Rogers.
Addiction is a disease and it is one that tears apart the lives of millions of people. Unfortunately, many people don’t seek out help until they are at rock bottom and even then some people will keep suffering from this disease.
Why does this happen? Well, part of the reason is that when most people are stuck in a loop of addictive behaviors and consequences, it is like they are in a hole. They keep digging to try getting out. The problem is that the more you dig, the deeper you are going to fall in. The farther you fall, the more difficult it is going to be to get out of the situation you are in.
So, if you are struggling with an addiction and you find yourself stuck, stop digging and ask for help. Asking for help to get out of your situation (addictive lifestyle) is the best way to build yourself up.
Article source: www.midwoodaddictiontreatment.com