Learning to live without drugs is not an easy process. It’s like trying to become a different person. You’ve gotten used to relying on that buzz to get you through the day or night. The thought of being just a sober, bored person does not appeal to you at all. Regular life and regular people are dull. No one wants to be dull by choice, right? So, you choose to keep using so you can avoid being one of the boring, sober people. Even though it’s not fun anymore, you keep doing it. You know you need to stop. But, why get sober?
What you don’t realize is that sober people are actually living their lives in real-time. They’re not hungover or sleeping all day. You, on the other hand, are not truly living. You’re a zombie controlled by a chemical. Dead to yourself while you’re high. Dead to yourself when you’re straight because all you want to do is get high again. Yeah, you’re so much cooler than those dull, sober people. Keep telling yourself that.
It’s Not Fun Anymore, Right?
Getting high has stopped being fun, right? You do it now because you have to. The withdrawals won’t let you stop using. You wouldn’t know how to have fun sober if you had to. So, you might as well just get high again. Waste another day, another night, the rest of your life. It won’t take long because the drugs or alcohol will probably kill you sooner or later.
Be Your Own Hero
Do you ever think of drugs or alcohol as body-snatchers? Like in that old movie? You should, because that’s what they do. They take over and control your mind and body to make you their slave. You are nothing but a vessel for the chemical to do its evil work.
There’s good news, though. Just like in those monster movies where the hero defeats the villain, you can have a happy ending. But, like the hero in the movies, you have to be brave. You must take that first frightening step and confront the villain. And, you’ll have to be dedicated to being the victor in this battle. You’re fighting for your life. You want it back. No one and no drug has the right to take it from you. Stand your ground, and demand your right to a sober life. Then, go into battle with a fierceness and determination that will bring success.
Finding Fun in Sobriety
Back to the part about thinking sober living is boring. Why do you think so? Don’t you realize that all that fun you think you’re having while high is fake? The next day you don’t even remember anything that happened. Or, if you do remember, you’re probably ashamed of it all. You certainly won’t make a photo album about it to share with your grandkids one day. Being high is a waste of time, a waste of your life, and the worst possible way to enjoy yourself. Think about this. Do you even know or like the people you’re getting high with? Would any of them come to your aid if you were in need?
Every time you get high you lose something you can’t get back: time. You won’t be able to reclaim those lost days and nights. That’s right, you’ve thrown them away. But, why get sober? First of all, when you get sober, you’ll have more days and nights to enjoy than if you continue using. And, the great news is, you’ll be able to remember how you spent that time. Plus, you’ll gain a sense of pride and accomplishment from having this level of self-control. Not to mention the improvements in your mental and physical health.
You don’t have to be religious to realize that life is a precious gift. No one truly understands how or why we’re here. But, this planet we call home is abundant with exciting and beautiful things to see, do, and experience. Stop sitting around in drug-induced oblivion and go out to feel, hear, smell, taste, and embrace all that you can.
Article Source: bestdrugrehabilitation.com